Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Project 90 line fllower use nano

cool enough in size 10x10cm. I also order  PCB Linefollower use nano (see another story in microcontroller blog)

here detail package : Order ID: G153704  Order time & date: 4/20/2018
Recieved date : 22  Mei 2018

refs link  github.../microhubbr/mh001

to celebrate Arduino day.. i this week i spread my PCB to my Friend.. and he is the lucky one.. got 20 design.. because i know he able to understand my design.. he have store that sell arduino parts. enjoy

A  Smart Tester
B  Infra Red remot controller (design by BMz)
C  Car Audio LM3886 with DC adaptor bonus 3wireLCDdriver74595  (design by BMz)
D Power amp ocl quasy 5200  bonus tc stereo  (design by W...)
E  Serial spectrum analyzer by ..
F  digital dot matrix clock 2x8 by BBSB
G digital dot matrix clock 2x8 by Bobo
H  tc mono
I    jam digital by pak guru rokhmad use library sevseg,h
J   echo pt2399  by 
K  jws  by
L    line follower nano mh001 by masterhub
M jws rtc ds1307 by  fareedish.blogspot
N ruller by pcbway
O Rudholph attiny85 blink nose led
P  seven segmen disp modul 74164 by
Q  arduboy by herman
R  lcd clock by bmz  bonus pasive tc
S    Small Super Surround sound ver 1
T    dot matrix clock 24x8 mini shield